Letterboxing with Phoenix Rizing

E4mE #0 - sEriEs inspiration

Greene County -- Catskill, NY

Planted 04/07/2018

ThE original idEa of this sEriEs startEd whEn I was givEn this vEry nicE storE-bought stamp and a logbook of thE lEttEr "E" by my stEp daughtEr, Kyra. I lovE thE lEttEr "E" as you may havE guEssEd (it of coursE is my first initial) and I lovE fonts, so, ExcEpt for this first stamp, all thE rEst of thE stamps in this sEriEs will bE hand-carvEd in various font facEs. I was going to usE thE littlE logbook that shE gavE mE, but thE pagEs Easily fall out, so a morE durablE book is bEing usEd instEad.

In thE log books will bE thE namE of thE font, if thErE is onE or a dEscription of thE graphic imagE. ThE sEcond stamp in this sEriEs (originally thE first until I dEcidEd to add this stamp) givEs away thE font namE but futurE cluEs won't until you find thE stamp.

Although this stamp is storE-bought, it is not just a plain "E". So don't bE disappointEd and, in thE End you may discovEr a cool carving of thE lEttEr "E"!

If you arE a carvEr, you may discovEr that lEttEring is just anothEr shapE and not rEally that difficult to carvE.

I hopE you Enjoy finding thEsE stamps as much as I EnjoyEd carving thEm!

To thE box...

In catskill, ny, on routE 385, northbound sidE is thE cohotatE prEsErvE, find your way thErE. This is EssEntially a drivE-by but it can bE a busy park so plEasE bE discrEtE.

You will not nEEd a map or compass, howEvEr, thErE arE 4 othEr boxEs that arE listed on AQ plantEd hErE. At thE timE of this planting, I didn't know thE status of thosE boxEs.

TakE thE trail with thE gatE on thE lEft thEn pass the kiosk. Just past thE kiosk on thE right is onE stump thEn a fEw fEEt furthEr you will sEE two stumps. Stop thErE. Just past thE 2nd of thE 2 stumps you will sEE a long fall pointing up thE hill, follow that to thE End and you will sEE anothEr fall continuing in thE samE dirEction. At thE End of that fall, stop and look to your right and you will sEE 3 falls. Go to thE middlE fall and look undEr the trEE at thE roots. You will find a SPOR.

PlEasE makE surE thE logbook is doublE-baggEd and rEhidE bEtter than how you found it. As always, chEck yoursElf for ticks!!!

Contact mE if thErE arE any problEms.

*** Tick alert! Check yourself when coming out of the woods! ***

Please double-bag the logbook and hide the box better than how you found it!

LbNA #72948      AQ #265782