Letterboxing with Phoenix Rizing

E4mE #1 - nEw york timEs

Columbia County -- Hudson, NY

Carved September 2015
Planted 03/17/2019

This is thE sEcond in a sEriEs of boxEs that arE all thE lEttEr "E" but thE first carvEd.

This first lEttEr I will givE away, it is thE truEtypE font "Old English". You might know it as thE ny timEs font and various othEr nEwspapErs usE it as wEll.

Find your way to thE grEEport consErvation arEa on joslyn blvd.

Download and print a trail map from HERE.

From thE parking lot, takE thE all accEss trail until you comE to thE following sign:

Go right.

You will nExt EncountEr this sign:

Go right again.

Shortly, you will comE across a onE-arm bEnch. Stop hErE.

Looking past thE bEnch, to thE right, you will sEE an old fall that Ends at a largE trEE. InsidE thE End of this fall is what you sEEk.

PlEasE makE surE thE logbook is sealed in thE bag and rEhidE bEtter than how you found it.

Contact mE if thErE arE any problEms.

*** Tick alert! Check yourself when coming out of the woods! ***

Please double-bag the logbook and hide the box better than how you found it!

LbNA #73632      AQ #259775